
Hip Pain

Do you feel pain in your Hip Joints? Physical Therapy Can Help

Hip joint pain can seriously interfere with your life. Do sharp pains in your hip make it difficult to get up in the mornings, move about during the day, and lie back down at night?

If your hips are hurting you, physical therapy can help get to the root of your problem safely and comfortably, without the need for harmful drugs or surgery.

Hip pain relief is possible with Top Choice Physical Therapy & Wellness. Contact our Union City & Jersey City, NJ physical therapists today, and get back to a pain-free life with physical therapy.

Why Do My Hips Hurt?

Your hip is a ball-and-socket joint that works to support the weight of your upper body, relying on multiple muscles and tissues to keep it mobile and stable so it can function properly.

If we are in pain, we go to a doctor to figure out what is wrong. We are often surprised to learn that the problem is not what we thought. Our body parts are interrelated and collaborate to keep us moving freely. If anything is out of whack, hip discomfort may occur!

Here are some common causes of hip pain:

  • Pinched sciatic nerve
  • Unbalanced posture or gait
  • Weak gluteus medius muscles
  • Overuse injuries (tendinitis)
  • Muscle strain
  • Acute injuries (sprains, strains, and dislocations)
  • Cartilage tears/labral tears
  • Iliotibial band syndrome
  • Injury to the hip flexor muscles
  • Tight hip flexors

The best way to determine the true cause of your hip pain is to see our licensed physical therapist for a thorough evaluation. Make an appointment at Top Choice Physical Therapy & Wellness today and get started on your hip pain relief plan!

Physical therapy and hip pain relief

The physical therapy treatments at Top Choice Physical Therapy & Wellness can help to greatly reduce your hip pain. In many cases, it can even relieve it completely, sparing you the need for potentially harmful medication or surgical correction.

Our Union City & Jersey City, NJ physical therapists will examine your hip for signs of misalignment or structural damage, in addition to examining your stance, posture, gait, and range of motion. After your physical exam is complete, our physical therapists will prescribe a physical therapy plan for you, aimed at relieving unnatural stresses and strains, and normalizing your joint function.

You will be given targeted exercises designed for relieving joint pain and stabilizing weakness in your hip, though the exercises may vary depending on your condition. You may also be given exercises designed to strengthen the core, including your lower back muscle groups, lower abdominal muscle groups, or pelvic muscles. Core exercises are aimed at straightening your posture and equalizing the weight load on both sides of your body.

Additional specialized treatments may also be added as our physical therapists deem fit, such as mobilizations to improve joint movement or other soft tissue treatments that relieve pain and promote the healing of damaged hip tissues.

Find hip pain relief in Union City & Jersey City, NJ

It is time to stand up to your hip pain! Start on the path toward long-term pain relief today! Request an appointment today to speak with one of our dedicated physical therapists.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!